Brief History of Society of Jesus: The Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) was founded in 1540 at a time when the Church was going through a turbulent time with the Protestant reformation, renaissance etc. Jesuits, placed at the service of the Church and the Roman Pontiff, served the Church and defended the faith very successfully and they continue to do so even today. The early Jesuits Ignatius of Loyola, Francis Xavier, Diego Laynez, Peter Faber, Jerome Nadal, Alfonso de Polanco, Gonsalves da Camara, Francis Borgia etc. were high intellectuals and yet profoundly spiritual and committed to evangelization. Fired by the power of the Spiritual Exercises, the Society of Jesus continued to attract many brilliant men of calibre, compassion and commitment. Jesuits took the Gospel message to various corners of the world. Their only motive was the Greater Glory of God (AMDG) and the greater good of the people. The Society was suppressed in 1773 due to political compulsions, but restored on August 7, 1814. The Society of Jesus has over 16, 000 members at present.